What can we do


So far, we have been talking only about the problems… garbage, smell, rats, cockroaches etc… which we all know and “love”, but a business man from India once told me...“people nowadays focus too much on the problem. And the more they focus on it, the more they talk about it, the more they stress about it so the bigger it gets. Now under these circumstances can we still find a solution?”... My… answer to this question is no, because the problem stresses us so much to the point that it blinds us, it weakens us, takes all our energy away and as a result we start accepting it, we get comfortable with it, we don’t do anything about it anymore, we start ignoring it and last but not least it becomes normality, which is what is happening in Jakarta Our Home right now. But this is not normality.

In conclusion; we should focus most of our energy on finding a solution and not on the problem.

So…what can we do?

In my opinion…the very first thing that we need to do is to stop throwing garbage everywhere on the streets; let’s think about this for a moment…if we don’t changeif we don’t do something about it, then how can we expect other people to do something about it?
It’s just like I said in the How didJ.O.H. start …”when we make a decision, the decision must come from ourselves first”…

The second thing that we need to do is to tell all of our close ones, family, friends, and relatives to stop throwing garbage everywhere. At first they will look at us as if we are not rational, they will question why do we care about Jakarta Our Home, they will not understand why they should care too, but once we explain to them that it will make a big difference on the streets of “our home”, that it will improve our standard of living then they will understand us. I’m telling you this from my own experience.

And once our close ones stop throwing garbage on the streets as well, we will feel good about ourselves; we will feel that We’re doing something.
The third thing that we need to do is, when we see someone throwing garbage on the street, we need to tell that person “tidak baik” and then walk away…and sometimes that person will understand that it’s not civilized to throw garbage on the street and he or she will pick it up.

The point of the matter is that we need to do something, we can’t be comfortable with garbage, rats, cockroaches and bad smell right outside our door.

Just try to imagine this: when we all act the same, when we all stop throwing garbage everywhere, when we all tell our friends and relatives to stop throwing garbage, and when we also tell people that we don’t know but live in the same”home” with us, that it’s “tidak baik” to throw garbage everywhere…Do you think that we will make a difference? Do you think that there will be less garbage on the streets when less people throw garbage on the streets?

Then let’s do it! Let’s tell all of our friends and relatives to stop throwing garbage! Let’s tell people that it’s not civilized to throw garbage everywhere. Let’s do it because together we can! Together we will make a difference!

For some of you that might feel uncomfortable to do that, sharing this blog to everyone you know and don’t know will help you do that, let them know how we feel when they throw garbage everywhere.

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